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Bittensor CLI: Permissions Guide

SUBMIT A PRSUBMIT AN ISSUElast edit: Mar 04, 2025

The Bittensor CLI, btcli provides a wide range of functionality: some commands require a coldkey to authenticate, some require a hotkey, and some require neither. Additionally, different functions require different levels of permissions. Some require the user to have special status like being registered with a node, have a validator permit, or be an active member of the senate.

This page details the requirements for all of the btcli commands.

See also the btcli permissions guides for specific Bittensor personas:

Other resources:

Requirements for btcli functions

Different functions have different requirements.


Your primary, fully privileged key. Must be used on a secure coldkey workstation to avoid catastrophic loss or malicious actions if compromised.

Required for:

  • Managing stake (add/remove/move).
  • Moving or transferring TAO (i.e., wallet transfer).
  • Creating or modifying subnets (btcli subnets create).
  • Voting or proposing in governance.


Used for daily operations with lower privileges. Usually stored on a less secure environment than the coldkey because it must be online and accessible for repeated use.

  • Running miners: serving requests from validators
  • Running validators:
    • making requests to miners weight
    • setting weights

Available liquidity

Make sure your coldkey wallet has sufficient on-chain TAO to pay fees, stake, or register subnets.

  • POW vs POS reg
  • Subnet reg
  • ???

Operations to unstake alpha into TAO, and move or transfer stake, have minimum liquidity requirements ( is this flat or subnet configured or what ???).

Validator Permit

To set weights as a validator in a subnet, you must have a stake-weight on the subnet of least 1000, including stake delegated to your hotkey from other wallets' coldkeys. A validator's stake weight in a subnet equals their alpha stake plus their TAO stake times the tao_weight parameter (current value: 0.18):

Validator stake weight=α+0.18×τ \text{Validator stake weight} = \alpha + 0.18 \times \tau

Senate requirements

In order to participate in the Senate, a coldkey must:

  • Have registered with any subnetwork as a hotkey-coldkey pair.
  • Have nominated themselves as a delegate for anyone to stake their $TAO with.
  • Have a hotkey stake value is greater than 2% of the network's total stake amount, through delegation or self-stake.
  • Have elected to participate in the Senate.

btcli commands


The btcli config ... commands are used to configure btcli, including:

  • selecting the targeted network (finney a.k.a. mainnet or test for test network)
  • setting the directory where your Bittensor wallet coldkeys and/or hotkeys are stored

These commands don't require any permissions to run, but you'll run these commands on all btcli workstations:

  • Permissionless workstation: You don't need a key to view subnets and stuff. You do need a coldkey apparently for btcli view dashboard, but it can be a throwaway key, it doesn't need any TAO or anything else attached to it.

  • Coldkey workstation: Contains coldkey in the wallet_path. For any coldkey associated with mainnet TAO, this should only be done on a secure workstation.

    coldkey workstation security


  • Hotkey workstation: Can include servers used for mining or validation. Contains only hotkeys in the wallet_path in the btcli config. Compromised hotkeys can damage your reputation if they are used to maliciously submit false weights (if you are a validator), or register and submit crappy work ??? if you are a miner, which can be costly. However, ownership of TAO or alpha stake can only be transferred with a coldkey.

    hotkey workstation security


btcli config

btcli config [options]

  • btcli config set
  • btcli config get
  • ...
  • btcli conf metagraph


  • btcli config set

  • btcli config get

  • btcli config clear

  • btcli config metagraph

  • btcli conf set

  • btcli conf get

  • btcli conf clear

  • btcli conf metagraph

  • btcli c set

  • btcli c get

  • btcli c clear

  • btcli c metagraph


Mostly target a coldkey; should be performed on a secure CK workstation, NOT a mining workstation or any other insecure endpoint.

HKs should be created on secure CK workstation and then carefully provisioned to less secure working nodes for mining and validation.

btcli wallet

btcli wallet list

btcli wallet swap-hotkey

btcli wallet regen-coldkey

btcli wallet regen-coldkeypub

btcli wallet regen-hotkey

btcli wallet new-hotkey

btcli wallet new-coldkey

btcli wallet create

btcli wallet balance

btcli wallet history

btcli wallet overview

btcli wallet transfer

btcli wallet inspect

btcli wallet faucet

btcli wallet set-identity

btcli wallet get-identity

btcli wallet sign

btcli wallet swap_hotkey

btcli wallet regen_coldkey

btcli wallet regen_coldkeypub

btcli wallet regen_hotkey

btcli wallet new_hotkey

btcli wallet new_coldkey

btcli wallet set_identity

btcli wallet get_identity

btcli w list

btcli w swap-hotkey

btcli w regen-coldkey

btcli w regen-coldkeypub

btcli w regen-hotkey

btcli w new-hotkey

btcli w new-coldkey

btcli w create

btcli w balance

btcli w history

btcli w overview

btcli w transfer

btcli w inspect

btcli w faucet

btcli w set-identity

btcli w get-identity

btcli w sign

btcli w swap_hotkey

btcli w regen_coldkey

btcli w regen_coldkeypub

btcli w regen_hotkey

btcli w new_hotkey

btcli w new_coldkey

btcli w set_identity

btcli w get_identity

btcli wallets list

btcli wallets swap-hotkey

btcli wallets regen-coldkey

btcli wallets regen-coldkeypub

btcli wallets regen-hotkey

btcli wallets new-hotkey

btcli wallets new-coldkey

btcli wallets create

btcli wallets balance

btcli wallets history

btcli wallets overview

btcli wallets transfer

btcli wallets inspect

btcli wallets faucet

btcli wallets set-identity

btcli wallets get-identity

btcli wallets sign

btcli wallets swap_hotkey

btcli wallets regen_coldkey

btcli wallets regen_coldkeypub

btcli wallets regen_hotkey

btcli wallets new_hotkey

btcli wallets new_coldkey

btcli wallets set_identity

btcli wallets get_identity


Coldkey w sufficient TAO or w stake for unstaking/moving

Mostly target a coldkey; should be performed on a secure CK workstation, NOT a mining workstation or any other insecure endpoint.

btcli stake

btcli stake add

btcli stake remove

btcli stake list

btcli stake move

btcli stake transfer

btcli stake swap

btcli stake child

btcli stake child get
btcli stake child set
btcli stake child revoke
btcli stake child take

btcli stake children

btcli stake children get
btcli stake children set
btcli stake children revoke
btcli stake children take

btcli st add

btcli st remove

btcli st list

btcli st move

btcli st transfer

btcli st swap

btcli st child

btcli st child get
btcli st child set
btcli st child revoke
btcli st child take

btcli st children

btcli st children get
btcli st children set
btcli st children revoke
btcli st children take


CK with senator role for proposals and votes, or CK with sudo privileges for certain chain-level commands.

miner/validator registration stuff: typically uses a hotkey for the registration extrinsic, though the creation of subnets (which set registration parameters) requires a coldkey.

Validator take...

btcli sudo

btcli sudo set

btcli sudo get

btcli sudo senate

btcli sudo proposals

btcli sudo senate-vote

btcli sudo set-take

btcli sudo get-take

btcli sudo senate_vote

btcli sudo get_take

btcli sudo set_take

btcli su set

btcli su get

btcli su senate

btcli su proposals

btcli su senate-vote

btcli su set-take

btcli su get-take

btcli su senate_vote

btcli su get_take

btcli su set_take


Setters need CK with creator permissions, getters are typically permissionless (for listing or reading). Creating or modifying subnets (burn cost, price, hyperparameters) requires a coldkey with sufficient balance and permissions.

btcli subnets

btcli subnets hyperparameters

btcli subnets list

btcli subnets burn-cost

btcli subnets create

btcli subnets pow-register

btcli subnets register

btcli subnets metagraph

btcli subnets show

btcli subnets price

btcli subnets burn_cost

btcli subnets pow_register

btcli s hyperparameters

btcli s list

btcli s burn-cost

btcli s create

btcli s pow-register

btcli s register

btcli s metagraph

btcli s show

btcli s price

btcli s burn_cost

btcli s pow_register

btcli subnet hyperparameters

btcli subnet list

btcli subnet burn-cost

btcli subnet create

btcli subnet pow-register

btcli subnet register

btcli subnet metagraph

btcli subnet show

btcli subnet price

btcli subnet burn_cost

btcli subnet pow_register


Setters require an active hotkey that has a validator permit. Reading or querying weights is generally permissionless, but committing or revealing them is only for registered validators.

btcli weight

btcli weights reveal

btcli weights commit

btcli wt reveal

btcli wt commit

btcli weight reveal

btcli weight commit


btcli utils convert

This is a convenience command for performing conversions between minimal units (RAO) and TAO, or other chain-specific conversions. Permissionless (no key required) because it performs no on-chain operation, just a local calculation.